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音乐 Overview

At Chatham, students engage 与 music from myriad perspectives. They receive a strong foundation in musicianship, music 理论, 和 music 历史, 和 participate in private vocal, instrumental, or composition instruction 与 some of the region’s best performers. 音乐al training is complemented by a solid liberal arts foundation, 与 critical thinking, communication, 和 problem-solving skills, as well as thoughtful career preparation. All students complete at least one internship as well as take courses in areas such as music technology that further diversify their professional skills.
Degrees Offered
  • BA
Program School

Chatham University’s music program is both thorough 和 flexible. We provide performance 和 composition students 与 a firm grounding in their own area of specialty, as well as music 历史 和 理论, while allowing them to customize their course of study to fit their own interests.

— MICHAEL BOYD, associate professor of music

Explore the 音乐 Degree:

Chatham’s music department combines the benefits of a smaller institution, such as the ability to work one-on-one 与 faculty in lessons 和 courses, 与 the advantages of living in a city that offers resources 和 opportunities at larger neighboring institutions. The program enables students to connect 与 music in traditional 和 nontraditional ways. In addition to providing a solid foundation in music performance, composition, 理论, 历史, 和 musicianship, Chatham offers courses in popular music, 爵士乐, ethnomusicology, music technology, 和 interdisciplinary subjects.

  • Students can easily combine music 与 another academic area of interest to create a double major or interdisciplinary major. Recent combinations include music 和 English, psychology, mathematics, 和 cultural studies.
  • The Chatham Choir performs at on- 和 off-campus events several times each year. Notable past performances include concerts 与 the Pittsburgh Symphony OrchestraRiver City Brass.
  • The music faculty, all of whom are professional musicians 与 strong artistic achievements, work closely 与 all students 和 are strongly committed to the highest st和ards in teaching.
  • Through outlets like the 音乐 Club, students are encouraged to be entrepreneurial, innovative, 和 self-directive.

历史 of Rock, Pop, & 灵魂

This course explores the evolution of American 和 British popular music from about 1950 to the present day. 音乐al styles are studied 和 contextualized 与 an examination of related cultural, social 和 political trends. This course also introduces fundamental music terminology that is germane to the study of popular music.

Diatonic Tonal Harmony

The course covers principles of diatonic harmony 和 voice-leading, as well as species counterpoint 和 simple formal structures, 与 an emphasis on analysis 和 stylistically appropriate composition. The course includes an ear-training lab that features sightsinging, rhythmic performance, 和 melodic, 谐波, 和 rhythmic dictation.

Introduction to Computer 音乐

The course is a composition-focused introduction to computer music resources. Basic principles of digital audio 和 acoustics/psychoacoustics, as well as the 历史 of electroacoustic 和 computer music, are introduced. A range of software applications are used for recording, 编辑, sequencing, 合成, 和 processing. Discussion of composition strategies 和 aesthetic issues guide the use of such techniques in creative projects.

View Full Curriculum

Our 教师

If one word could best sum up Chatham's faculty, it would be engaged. Professors bring experiences to relate the course lessons to real-world situations.

Full 教师
Photo of Michael Boyd
Professor of 音乐 和 音乐 Program Coordinator
Photo of Pauline Rovkah
Director of Piano Program, Artistic Director of Concert Series
Photo of Chatham University music students st和ing on risers in a choir 与 music 和 matching black outfits.

Chatham Choir

The Chatham Choir, which sponsors the all-campus winter celebration 和 the annual Cabaret Benefit, can be heard at the opening 和 closing convocations, the spring concert, 和 the choir tour. The choir has performed in New York City, Baltimore, Washington D.C., 和 West Virginia, while select members have performed 与 Marvin Hamlisch 和 the Pittsburgh Symphony Pop’s All-Star College Chorus.

Explore Choir : Checkerboard 1 - Chatham Choir
Photo of a student in a b和 uniform playing the flute outside

Instrumental Ensembles

Chatham started an instrumental b和 program in 2022. Current offerings include a 爵士乐 ensemble, athletic pep b和, 和 smaller chamber ensembles. In addition, Chatham students are able to audition for 和 perform 与 large instrumental ensembles off-campus such as the University of Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra 和 Marching B和 for credit. Details about auditions are distributed prior to the start of the fall term.

Photo of a woman 与 dark hair reading sheet music

音乐 Scholarships

In addition to Chatham’s university-wide merit- 和 need-based financial aid, the music program offers the Minna Kaufmann Ruud Scholarships in Voice scholarship. This scholarship recognizes 和 support students 与 outst和ing talent. The Ruud Scholarship is awarded to qualified vocalists interested in studying music as a major or as part of an inter-departmental major. Scholarship awards are based on audition results.

Photo of a man 与 tattoos teaching acoustic guitar to a child sitting across from him

音乐 in Collaboration

Chatham has a collaborative program in music educationCarnegie Mellon University that allows our students to earn state teacher certification along 与 a music degree from Chatham. Students have to complete an audition/interview at CMU to enter this program.

Blurry photo of someone working in a recording studio

音乐 业务

The music business major is an interdisciplinary program, combining courses from music 和 business to set students 与 a passion for music apart in the business world. This major is designed to prepare you for leadership roles through expertise in strategic planning, management, marketing 和 artistic planning. 

Explore 音乐 业务 : Checkerboard 6 - 音乐 业务
Photo of a Chatham University student working on computer while wearing headphones 和 referencing a textbook.

音乐 Technology

Chatham’s music technology program sets you up for success through allowing mastery of industry-leading technologies for 编辑 和 sequencing, putting on the final touches—taking a piece of music all the way from recording through to producing a finished product.

Explore 音乐 Technology : Checkerboard 7 - 音乐 Technology

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